PURPOSE: To clarify time sheet documentation when emergency adjustments of the work schedule have occurred (in cases of emergency closings, delayed openings and early dismissals).
This policy applies to all non-faculty personnel.
- On occasions, for the safety of the employees, University officials may determine that the University should close for the day, open late, or close early because of weather or for another unavoidable reason.
- Employees who work during the hours the University is open are entitled to record the hours Rider is closed due to an emergency schedule adjustment as closing time.
- Employees who have previously scheduled vacation time will record the closing time as closing time and record the balance of the day as vacation.
- Employees who have called in sick or are on pre-approved disability will record those reasons for the absence on the time sheet and will not be entitled to record the emergency closing.
- If the University, in inclement weather or other similar situation, is open for the day or if there is a late start or early closing, and an employee makes a decision not to come to work, the hours that the University is actually open and the employee is not present will be documented by the employee as either personal (as appropriate) or vacation time. (For example, if University officials determine that the University will open late at 10:00 a.m. and an employee makes a decision to not come to work until 12 noon, on the time sheet the period from 8:30-10:00 a.m. would be designated as "closing time" and the hours from 10:00 a.m. to noon would be designated as either personal, as appropriate, or vacation time.)
- It is the responsibility of the supervisor to verify and approve the employee's designation of time used.